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Name of Webisode:
Episode 1 – How Do You Tell A Friend Bad News?
Release Date: 21/12/18
Written by: Colette Mann and Geoff Paine
Directed by:
Guests: Sheila Canning: Colette Mann
Clive Gibbons: Geoff Paine
Summary/Images by: David
Sheila and Clive are sitting together facing the camera. Sheila introduces herself and Clive and says he is helping her with her media project for her film studies class. They are going to read letters from their neighbours who are begging for her advice. Clive reads the first letter to Sheila.
CLIVE: Dear Sheila, while trying to help a friend, I uncovered something bad about her fiancé who has just died which would make her very upset. My question is: should you tell bad news to a friend, or let sleeping dogs lie and stay Mishterious. Signed, Lionheart
Clive is about to leave when Sheila stops him. Sheila thinks that they should usually be able to tell their friends the truth and stay friends, Clive says its risky.
SHEILA: I know, but he thought he was doing the right thing.
CLIVE: Ah, so it’s a he?
SHEILA: Or she.
Clive asks Sheila questions about it, and Sheila reveals Lionheart had a private investigator help him.
CLIVE: He was investigating his friend, that is weird.
SHEILA: No Leo… he only was looking for something and then this stuff just came up, and her ex- fiancé, he was a really bad egg, but he was dead by this stage so…
CLIVE: So did Leo the lionheart actually write this letter?
SHEILA: Who said Leo? I didn’t say Leo.
Sheila claims that she just knows everything about it. Clive says, as a doctor, people don’t like bad news, sometimes they don’t even hear it.
CLIVE: What if I had bad news?
SHEILA: About what?
CLIVE: I don’t know, snoring!
SHEILA: I don’t snore.
CLIVE: See, that’s what I mean.
SHEILA: When do I snore? In bed?
CLIVE: No, in the garden! I’m not even saying its you.
SHEILA: Who else could it be?
CLIVE: All I’m saying is if a friend tells a friend something they don’t want to hear, it’s risky.
SHEILA: I think a true friend wouldn’t let something trivial like that come between them.
CLIVE: A true friend would tell the truth. And the truth is if you snore I would tell you, but you don’t so I don’t have to.
SHEILA: Truly?
CLIVE: Cross my heart.
SHEILA: Well, I could tell you a few things that you do in bed that you wouldn’t want people to know…
Before Sheila can finish, Clive switches off the camera.
  in Neighbours Webisode Episode 1 – How Do You Tell A Friend Bad News?

Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning  in Neighbours Webisode Episode 1 – How Do You Tell A Friend Bad News?
Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning

Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning  in Neighbours Webisode Episode 1 – How Do You Tell A Friend Bad News?
Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning

Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning  in Neighbours Webisode Episode 1 – How Do You Tell A Friend Bad News?
Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning

Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning  in Neighbours Webisode Episode 1 – How Do You Tell A Friend Bad News?
Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning

Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning  in Neighbours Webisode Episode 1 – How Do You Tell A Friend Bad News?
Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning

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